Saturday, August 31, 2013

Animal of the day: Sea Swallow

Also known as the blue angel, blue glaucus, blue dragon, blue sea slug, and blue ocean slug, this guy is pretty much a sea slug. Sea swallows can sting and eat on other stinging sea creatures such as the man of war and sometimes they decide to be cannibalistic. They can be found in the waters of Africa, Europe, Australia, and Mozambique. Sea Swallows float around upside down because their floaty gas sacs are located in their tummies. Sea swallows are hermaphrodites.

Friday, August 30, 2013


I once had a kitten calender
but the kittens weren't even
cute they were discomforting and I
keep pushing tab not enter
also caps

Animal of the Day: Pangolins!

A pangolin is a mammal covered with keratin scales, the only mammal with scales. It's name comes from the Malay word pengguuling which means, "something that rolls up".  Like anteaters, the pangolin has long forepaw claws and has to walk on its knuckles. Pangolins can emit a spray similar to a skunk when threatened or roll up in a ball, nine banded armadillo style. Pangolins have long tongues like anteaters. Pangolins live in Africa and Asia. A coat of armor made of pangolin scales was presented to George III in 1820.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's about high time I stop not doing these: ANTI FEAR LIST THURSDAY

  1. Meeting Evalyn and surrendering many tic tacs to her and having coffee with Sarah even though neither of us actually had literal coffee but we had very good talk and she is very good at understanding and we love Oliver!
  2. Driving through the country side to fish not catch and tie dye with chinese food and best friend
  3. Saiga antelope
  4. Love from and muchly needed muchly wanted conversation with Kelila 
  5. Discussing gospel choirs with Ian at the dentist
  6. Symphony bars
  7. Using the word shaded an innumerable amount of times in one day
  8. Warm night bike rides
  9. Wild grapes so long as they have not begun fermenting 
  10. Zucchini bread, it makes up for when zucchinis look like cucumbers so I try eating them and it's gross 
Life is really scary but really exciting and I feel home sick but I don't know how the home feels about me