Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I want to start looking at things without judgement. Sometimes judgmental thoughts creep up on me and I just want to kick myself for allowing them to exist.

I'm reading The Great Gatsby and I have the strange presumption that I will thoroughly enjoy it despite the fact that I have only reached page 5 after two days of possessing the book. But I'll blame that on being busy, time management issues, and the temptation to read Les Miserables when ever I have time to read.

And I think having a presumption about The Great Gatsby is, in a way, judging. But for now I will focus on aiming my nonjudgement at humans.

I'm skilled at convincing people simple oddities are true. Such as when I convinced people I was born in Canada. Or today when I convinced Sophi and Mackenzie that my dog is pregnant and that was why my head was on her belly. 

I should not use this skill for evil. 


  1. Why do you want to read the miserable book and i emphasize that Les Miserables means miserable so does that mean your miserable in life or you have miserable life?

    1. My life is not miserable. Les Miserables is simply the title of the book, not what defines my life.

  2. I've read it before its ok LOL u should watch the movie it isnt that bad either

    1. I have seen the movie if you're talking about he one with Liam Neeson. I feel a bit guilty because I usually don't watch the movie before reading the book but it was on tv so I abandoned my moral temporarily.
