Day 1- Wednesday
Depart early in the morning from school, attempt to go back to sleep whilst on bus but fail miserably. Play a game of euchre with Jamie, Danny, and Caleb then later attempt to play a second game but fail because we all seem to be in the Twilight Zone. Color with Felicia. Stop for lunch in a turnpike and lay in the grass with Devon after eating until we are forced back onto the bus and out of the glorious weather. Meet and memorize Liz Bergsma's, sister to Bergie Berg, name. Teach Caleb some ukulele chords. Make up a uke song about happy trails and tummy rubbing. Have a glorious session of playing the uke and making up songs about the people who were sitting around me and then more uke playing and laying in the sun at a rest stop. Dinner at a place. Arrive at hotel to find a "fresh remote" awaiting us.
Day 2- Thursday (I mean, I hope you guys realize Thursday comes after Wednesday)

Day 3

Day 4
Take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and then to Ellis Island. Lay in grass and sun on Ellis Island with friends. Take ferry to New York. Give money to elderly man with awesome beard who was playing a patriotic song on the flute. Dropped off for lunch and a bit of shopping, find and buy glorious Doctor Who poster. Shopping in time square and other areas with Stephanie and Taylor. Find Doctor Who mug and shirt at very last moment and frantically buy. Head to pizza place for dinner. Got to Metro Museum and explore places with Kim and Taylor. Have statue butt judging. Visit the Empire State Building. Stop at a rest area before driving home through the night. Get reprimanded for running bare foot int he grass with Jamie, we were just trying to do the bus a good deed and spare them from our stinky feet. Attempt sleep on the bus ride home. Forced to stand in aisle for a while at one point when all seats were taken. Find spot on the floor and ignore Caleb's complaints that I was in his foot area, offer the opportunity to just put his feet on me because I was really tired and had no other place to go. Succeed in a bit of sleep.
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