Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thought Sauce

Well my socks took a journey through the wind and I had decided that I had picked up enough of the dog poop for the day and I placed the bike in front of the window and read of adventures in Alabama? while I biked and I just hollered at Ian to go away with his Boo antics so as to ensure my though process not be rudely clogged. So now I am here and I shall maybe ramble a bit more specifically.

I am not going to use the "Facebook is not a place for ___" argument because actually Facebook is whatever the user legally makes it be. But obviously a lot of people either have the gay rights equal symbol as their profile picture. "Join us if you support gay rights!" they exclaim. I shan't claim this for all but it in some cases it is used as a peer pressure tactic. "If you don't change your profile picture you are homophobic." This troubles those who stand on middle ground, those who simply don't feel like changing their profile picture, those who do not want to deal with ruckus causing, blah blah and so on. It is good that you express yourself. It is good you support what you believe. In is good you partake in debate. It is bad if you pressure. It is bad if you are close minded against opposing views.

Some have retaliated by making a mock symbol in which the equal sign is substituted with a cross. This makes me mad. It makes me mad because the cross, Jesus, Christianity, religion in general, is not to be tossed around. Now this is something that I have been noticing lately; I see fashion trends that consist of crosses on shirts, I've seen pictures of Hindu Gods on shorts, I've seen Islam's crescent tossed around, I've seen the Star of David tossed around. That is my personal relationship, my culture, my passion being tossed around. And the same goes for the people of other religions. It is good that you express yourself. It is good you support what you believe. In is good you partake in debate. It is bad if you pressure. It is bad if you are close minded against opposing views.

We must be careful in the way we depict Jesus. The world is full of skewed ideas regarding Christians, largely because of our own doing. Jesus does not want to be used as a symbol against LGBA. He loves us all. I believe ACTING upon gay desires is a sin. I also believe swearing, being sexually immoral, lying, cheating, drug abuse, and all other sin stated in the Bible is indeed sin. And that we call all gain forgiveness for the sin we all commit

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (NIV).

We don't need to hate each other for having different views. We should not toss around religion. We should use our social media to have judicial debates. We don't need to follow along with something we are not entirely comfortable with. Use your head alongside your hearts.

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