- Multiple family Christmas parties
- Having phone calls while looking at strange animals that make me laugh out of the context of conversation being had
- Kelila joining the blog council and hearing about her antics involving Mrs. Pierson
- Home Alone even when Hava makes me watch it multiple times
- The Jeddah, slugbug, mail truck game even though I lost miserably
- Watercolors
- Naps
- Taking Boo and Honey for a "walk" that is more accurately a "stagger"
- The way in which Ian interacts with people who come to our house
- Things that smell good
- Soup
- Porpoises
Thursday, December 27, 2012
When I woke up this morning I was excited because I knew it was Anti Fear List Thursday but then I decided it was too early in the day and that I would save Anti Fear List making for later in the day and then I forgot but then I just rediscovered the fact that it's Thursday and my joy all over again :D
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Night Time When You're Sleepy
At night time when one is sleepy it is a dangerous realm. You have very abstract thoughts that either bring extreme joy or extreme negativeness with out rhyme or reason.
But then when it's bad a black Santa turns it around
But then when it's bad a black Santa turns it around
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Redundant musing
It's good to fill your life with good things. I suppose that's pretty redundant but sometimes we forget until it occurs and then you feel really awesome. Because I made music and played games with my family and Josh's family. I had lots of conversation. I gave gifts that pleased people and received the most ultimate adventuring galoshes of all time. And when I post things online I feel wary of bragging but I think sometimes it is quite good to just share the wonderful things God is blessing one with.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Anti Fear List Thursday
- Foggy sunrisey morns
- *Trying* to read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in Spanish to Anne
- The fact that I have not broken a pinky toe lately
- Textured Christmas lights
- When Thomas gets falsely angered
- Chimes
- Caroling
- Elderly people
- Sneaky sock wearing
- Dance competitions
- Marshmallow wars
- Giving sassy evil eyes
- Bilbo Baggins
- Being stuck in trees.. kind of
- Cold induced raps
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Holey snake
Today in Concert Choir we did not have much of an itinerary for our Christmas concert is passed and we are in a time of rest I suppose. We were permitted to have small conversation in the large practice room connected to the choir room and when in that room I enjoy sitting between the choir filing cabinets.
Ricky tried shushing the room for he felt it was too loud and I was in a very laughy mood so when his exemplification for why everyone should be quite included, "and.. and she's (points to Keyanna) trying to be quiet" was overly entertaining due to it's nonsensicalness so I laughed really hard but it sounded like I was sobbing. The possession I was in was not very visible to the majority of the people in the room so many wondered and the mysterious sobbing noise.
I sat in between these cabinets with Noah and Thomas and conversation was had and Thomas suggested that Josh go to Italy or Russia but Noah claimed it would be stupid to go to Russia and Adam stated that Russia is going to nuc us and that he wishes to travel to Bor Bor.
I do not know where or what Bor Bor is.
Mrs. Pierson came in and I sassed her about calling me Midge yesterday and she responded with very exaggerated sarcastic laughter.
Ricky tried shushing the room for he felt it was too loud and I was in a very laughy mood so when his exemplification for why everyone should be quite included, "and.. and she's (points to Keyanna) trying to be quiet" was overly entertaining due to it's nonsensicalness so I laughed really hard but it sounded like I was sobbing. The possession I was in was not very visible to the majority of the people in the room so many wondered and the mysterious sobbing noise.
I sat in between these cabinets with Noah and Thomas and conversation was had and Thomas suggested that Josh go to Italy or Russia but Noah claimed it would be stupid to go to Russia and Adam stated that Russia is going to nuc us and that he wishes to travel to Bor Bor.
I do not know where or what Bor Bor is.
Mrs. Pierson came in and I sassed her about calling me Midge yesterday and she responded with very exaggerated sarcastic laughter.
Friday, December 14, 2012
A collection
Something I am good at: Acquiring light dog hair and odd stains of light color on my black pants
A story: Back in my day I was a cat rescuer. I was called to do a job in which a cat was sitting near the lip of a volcano once. I put on my orangest flip flops and ventured after the cat. My feet were warm and I heard Hawaiian natives calling after me in Hawaiian or Portuguese or both but I couldn't understand their language and even though I knew they were warning against the task I had set out to do I ignored them. My flip flops melted and my feet became lightly toasted but I saved the cat who managed to remain at a very cool temperature. this story may or may not be a lie but a lie is okay as long as it is a good story and does not harm anyone. that was a questionable statement
It's odd when people call clementines cuties instead of clementines
A story: Back in my day I was a cat rescuer. I was called to do a job in which a cat was sitting near the lip of a volcano once. I put on my orangest flip flops and ventured after the cat. My feet were warm and I heard Hawaiian natives calling after me in Hawaiian or Portuguese or both but I couldn't understand their language and even though I knew they were warning against the task I had set out to do I ignored them. My flip flops melted and my feet became lightly toasted but I saved the cat who managed to remain at a very cool temperature. this story may or may not be a lie but a lie is okay as long as it is a good story and does not harm anyone. that was a questionable statement
It's odd when people call clementines cuties instead of clementines
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Anti Fear List Thursday
- Granite and femur
- Hummus
- The fact that Josh tucks his pants into his socks
- Felicia's asthma ventilator thing
- Dylan's Lumiere pants
- Ducks
- Sentence fragment conversations
- Being amongst the Christmas carol champions
- The art of rolling up hoods in concert choir
- Spaghetti
- Conversation
- Merry, Pippin, and Treebeard
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
As promised to Rachel, Why I love AP Lang
- Horse art
- Describing people in literature as "douchey"
- Discovering if my coffee tastes good that day
- That one time we succeeded in convincing Strobel to let us go outside
- Watching the sunrise through the window
- I just like writing okay
- Yelling at Mikey when I meant to yell at Anne who was not present
- Music suggestions
- What does repetition do besides emphasize?
- Expecting coffee and then it's cider
- Intellectual and meaningful conversations Rach and I always seem to have everyday
- Listening to Rachel talk about The Christmas Carol often
- Hannah's faces
- Taking compatibility tests in the mind set of Darcy and then Lizzie for Hannah
- Writing an essay on Mumford and Sons
Monday, December 10, 2012
Why I love Concert Choir
- The coniferous shrub
- Interpretative interactions with Bergy
- Mrs. Pierson and her Mrs. Piersonness
- And The Child Grew wars!
- Silent interactions about how cool Michelle is
- Exchanging the look with Mackenzie when the Totos ain't singing right
- Singing tenor
- The tambourine
- Choir Share day
- Making the distressed fish face at Tobias
- The diversity in every sense of the word
- The vicious conducting that comes with We Need A Little Christmas
- Sitting next to the window
- Jai ho
- Awkward hugs with Bergy
- Bergy art
- Remembering years past
- Wrestling Mrs. Pierson whilst singing Shenandoah
Thursday, December 6, 2012
- The Never Ending StooOOOoooOOoooORY nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
- Art fests
- A fire in the rain
- Pudding art
- My psychology class
- Choir
- The fact that yesterday Mrs. Pierson asked Emma and I to lessen the amount of times we ask Miss. Bergsma for a pass and arrive to our fifth hours a few minutes late and then proceeded to almost make me late for class today by ensnaring me into conversation
- The turnip guy on the piano
- Using sarcasm for good not evil
- If I owned an orchestra I'd name it "Humming Trumpets"
- Disproportional nativity scenes
- The Jackson Two
A Quest For Dialect
I was going to write a blog post that I was really excited about and then I sat down and all the words and ideas in my head went like blskase;jf.
Basically I was going to convey, in a much more impressive way than this, the following things:
- I love unique vocabulary and if I am addicted to something it is an addiction to adding new words to my dialect
- I hate when the sound of a word disgraces how wondrous the meaning of the word is
- I hate when people forget that words mean different things to different people
- I love hearing people explain what a word means to them and then, with certain people, gaining the ability to understand their way of speech and meanings behind words or movements or expressions
- I love metaphors, especially exchanged between aforementioned people
Lists aren't bad things
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Let's pretend it's Thursday and that I did not forget to do Anti Fearlist Thursday
- Fires
- Small children showing me that when one closes their eyes they acquire "hairy eyeballs"
- Harry Potter
- Lord of the Rings
- Musical Pi, Pi Music
- Jazzercising
- Holding hands
- Violently thrusting fake flowers into Felicia's face unintentionally
- Lightning
- Unpredictable weather
- "I'm happy because I'm chewing gum and it's my gum!"
- Befriending new people
- Perching on chairs in a Mrs. Pierson fashion
- Hermit Crabs and Snails
- Tengo Horse
- Sophi and her Teanogg
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Today is perhaps the most fitting Anti Fear List Thursday of the year!
- Witnessing humorous interactions between friends
- The way dayquill pills look
- Dreams
- Lucid Dreaming (score!)
- Talking to SwahiliMericans over skype
- Echo Thrift
- Xylophones
- Moose Sweaters
- The Farm
- Grandpa
- Grandpa trying to bite the ukulele
- Being warm
- Gourds again
- Children
- When siblings perform an action toward you that seems very much silly because it is out of context because they mistook you for a different sibling
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Some messages from God are better delivered indirectly. I suppose they shouldn't be better because the reason that they seem to be is that coming straight from God we don't always believe them.
I started my day with a most wondrous chat with Claire Peterson thanks to her succeeding in convincing me to stop my silly anti skype due to anxiety of awkward feelings. Though I still remain in a state of I-will-only-use-skype-to-communicate-to-the-Petersons.
Further more I played worship music with Ian today, he learned Come Thou Fount on his violin.
Even further more I went to Echo Thrift for the first time in a long while and it felt like returning to a home. They have a xylophone that I love dearly. It was most superb to reunite with Dan and Leah.
Which reminds me of my visit to the Farm on Sunday. Which also feels like returning home. And I got to visit with my Grandpa which was wondrous and he sang with my siblings and I and he gave a deep belly laugh. The Farm feels like a sort of Narnia. I spent my most recent time in Narnia by taking a nap, attempting to tune my Grandpa's ukulele which seems to just need new strings, and climbing a tree. Time well spent says I.
I started my day with a most wondrous chat with Claire Peterson thanks to her succeeding in convincing me to stop my silly anti skype due to anxiety of awkward feelings. Though I still remain in a state of I-will-only-use-skype-to-communicate-to-the-Petersons.
Further more I played worship music with Ian today, he learned Come Thou Fount on his violin.
Even further more I went to Echo Thrift for the first time in a long while and it felt like returning to a home. They have a xylophone that I love dearly. It was most superb to reunite with Dan and Leah.
Which reminds me of my visit to the Farm on Sunday. Which also feels like returning home. And I got to visit with my Grandpa which was wondrous and he sang with my siblings and I and he gave a deep belly laugh. The Farm feels like a sort of Narnia. I spent my most recent time in Narnia by taking a nap, attempting to tune my Grandpa's ukulele which seems to just need new strings, and climbing a tree. Time well spent says I.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Motives and God
Today my friend gave me a very good piece of advice, I feel he may have felt awkward or nervous delivering it, but it was quite very muchly good advice. Basically he said that one's motives should be out of love and not fear. It was something I needed to hear.
Another friend told me she felt God telling her I would and do take part in the redemption of many people.
I am blessed to have such faith around me but I need to be talking to God more instead of just being delivered his messages.
In other news today my little brother was talking to his ramen noodles and I succeeded in eating the majority of a banana.
Another friend told me she felt God telling her I would and do take part in the redemption of many people.
I am blessed to have such faith around me but I need to be talking to God more instead of just being delivered his messages.
In other news today my little brother was talking to his ramen noodles and I succeeded in eating the majority of a banana.
Friday, November 16, 2012
A "controversial" blog post
I debated making this post because I don't wish to drag down any set atmosphere for the blog wars and not every place is the right place to talk about politics. But then I said screw those stupid apprehensions. Stick with me and at the end there shall be turtles.
I believe in gay rights.
Regarding non Christian gays: "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?" 1 Corinthians 5:12
Don't hold those outside of our religion to the same standards.
I believe in gay rights.
Regarding non Christian gays: "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?" 1 Corinthians 5:12
Don't hold those outside of our religion to the same standards.
Regarding Christian gays: Think to the story of Jesus protecting the adultress. Men asked permission to stone an adultress and what Jesus had to say was this, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7
Go ahead, punish someone who has sinned, that is, punish them if you yourself are without sin. Tell me about one day in your life when you went entirely without sin not including perhaps a day when the Holy Spirit came upon you or when you were at an age before comprehensive sin.
Regarding God intending straight marriage: He also intended for us to stay in eden, not wear clothes, and not sin in general.
Regarding running the country as Christians: One of the original purposes of what is now America was to gain freedom. Are we, as Christians, going to oppress the freedom? The bible tells us to be accepting so we should be accepting our fellow citizens regardless of sexual orientation or religion, do we need to go through something so similar to segregation once more? In the bible when people were troubled by the ways of the government Jesus said, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." Luke 20:25 I interpret this as Jesus wishing us to separate our religion from government. This does not mean forget who you are and what you stand for when you are involved with political matters, but it I believe it means that your government does not need to be run by your religion. It is like the belief in public school versus private Christian schools; the child, or citizen, gets exposed to new people and new ideas and is allowed to be free thinking and as a result gets lost, or grows strong in religion. Humans do not control the path of other humans.
Feel free to give me your input
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The day I decide to recommence blogging is coincidentally the day that I want to make posts about things.
Today I got inducted to the National Honor Society. The only requirements were to a. be an upper classman and b. have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Then basically you need to serve at least 20 hours within the school year to maintain your status and get a gold tassel on your graduation cap. It also looks good on applications for things. So basically that is why the majority of people there were there.
I suppose my personal reasons for accepting the invitation to join the NHS was because I volunteer anyway so why not? But maybe I shall also take it as a reminder to make sure I am volunteering. Though with backstage crew I technically already have all my hours filled.
When first at the induction I felt very anxious because I was surrounded with people who make me feel unhappy, insignificant, bleh bleh bleh. But friends showed up and the ceremony was humorously conducted so it was okay.
So far two good things have come of NHS. I mentor a freshman named Haley on Tuesdays during seminar and while she seems quite independent it's nice to meet new people and just be there for someone just in case they need school help or advice. Secondly, at the ceremony I saw my fifth grade teacher for the first time in a long long while! Immediately pleasant fifth grade memories flooded my brain and I recalled them to him and gave him a hug. That was a very good year in the life of Abi.
Today I got inducted to the National Honor Society. The only requirements were to a. be an upper classman and b. have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Then basically you need to serve at least 20 hours within the school year to maintain your status and get a gold tassel on your graduation cap. It also looks good on applications for things. So basically that is why the majority of people there were there.
I suppose my personal reasons for accepting the invitation to join the NHS was because I volunteer anyway so why not? But maybe I shall also take it as a reminder to make sure I am volunteering. Though with backstage crew I technically already have all my hours filled.
When first at the induction I felt very anxious because I was surrounded with people who make me feel unhappy, insignificant, bleh bleh bleh. But friends showed up and the ceremony was humorously conducted so it was okay.
So far two good things have come of NHS. I mentor a freshman named Haley on Tuesdays during seminar and while she seems quite independent it's nice to meet new people and just be there for someone just in case they need school help or advice. Secondly, at the ceremony I saw my fifth grade teacher for the first time in a long long while! Immediately pleasant fifth grade memories flooded my brain and I recalled them to him and gave him a hug. That was a very good year in the life of Abi.
It has been far too long. So to recommence here is a list of things, off the top of my head that happened since my last post
- I went to the Adirondacks on a mission trip {which probably deserves an entirely separate blog post}
- I got my driver's license
- I commenced my Junior year of high school
- I went sailing on a not very windy day
- I started construction on a lamp drum
- I made stew and crumpets
- Felicia got her license so I went on a journey that involved a pickle and sheep with her
- I danced and drew and sat on top off mt. pigaski (oh what ever it is called) to the music that is the lovely lovely Babel
- I began to attend Lakeshore Vineyard
- I biked a lot a lot a lot
- I became friends with Kelila
- I became the pineapple huntress
- I journeyed to the end of the pier and yelled into the windiness
- I bought a jumpsuit
- I played the ukulele but as of recently not nearly often enough
- I sang as of recently lots and lots
- I rode a horse
- I made a quill
- I climbed a tree
- I backstage CAHREW'd
- I played with Oddie and Hava
- I observed turtles
- I painted and then smashed a guitar
- I read Jane Eyre and the Hobbit
- I made an Abi widda K cereal box
- I gave blood and received and irritated nerve
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Today as I babysat I observed my feet and the cursed lines left by the occurrence of walking through wet and dirt in flipflops. Such lines agitate me to the utmost.
I schemed the tasks I had to quickly accomplish in between the time of arriving at home from babysitting and departing for rehearsal and then a surprise visit to my old youth pastor's family. And as I thought the dog at the house I babysit at commenced the licking of my feet.
At first my jimmies were quite rustled because I tend to be allergic to dog saliva but I realized I was not becoming itchy or hive infested, which happens when my dog licks me.
Not only was I not allergically reacting, but the dog licked the dirt lines off my feet! Problem solved! Time saved!
I schemed the tasks I had to quickly accomplish in between the time of arriving at home from babysitting and departing for rehearsal and then a surprise visit to my old youth pastor's family. And as I thought the dog at the house I babysit at commenced the licking of my feet.
At first my jimmies were quite rustled because I tend to be allergic to dog saliva but I realized I was not becoming itchy or hive infested, which happens when my dog licks me.
Not only was I not allergically reacting, but the dog licked the dirt lines off my feet! Problem solved! Time saved!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Today while biking home I was approaching two guys walking and they were on each side of the road with a large gap in between them. Finally as I was approaching closer and closer one joined the other on one side of the sidewalk. As I passed I naturally looked at them and one of them was..
I don't know he was kind of doing the hand motion you do at the "roll it" part in patty cake. And he was staring at me. And laughing. And then he said something to me that I was unable to understand.
I was very confused.
I don't know he was kind of doing the hand motion you do at the "roll it" part in patty cake. And he was staring at me. And laughing. And then he said something to me that I was unable to understand.
I was very confused.
Jesse thinks this story should be a blog post so here we go.
It twas the last day of school in the last hour. I had concert choir but I had already taken the exam in woswe so I was hanging out with bergy berg (our accompanist) and Ricky who had also taken the exam. And then Parker joined us because he finished his exam quickly.
Ricky made this face and almost commenced talking in this frightening accent the distresses me more than it should so I turned away from him and ended up facing a crevice in between a wall and a filing cabinet. Naturally out of bordem and impatience to be released from school I decided to stick all of my limbs into this crevice.
Then I thought to myself, "I vowed to photo documentate things more often so I should have this photo documentated." And so I made a request that parker should fetch my camera and take a picture of this limb in crevice fiasco.
I ended up having to retrieve the camera because parker would not stir but eventually the camera was in his hand and my limbs were once again in the crevice.
Now I have a camera that acts very jankified very often so it was taking a millennium to documentate the moment and as we awaited it to do it's thing Mrs. Pierson, our choir teacher was walking into the office. My immediate reaction was to remove my limbs from the crevice and lay flat on the floor as to avoid her noticing what oddities I was performing. The result was this picture.
It twas the last day of school in the last hour. I had concert choir but I had already taken the exam in woswe so I was hanging out with bergy berg (our accompanist) and Ricky who had also taken the exam. And then Parker joined us because he finished his exam quickly.
Ricky made this face and almost commenced talking in this frightening accent the distresses me more than it should so I turned away from him and ended up facing a crevice in between a wall and a filing cabinet. Naturally out of bordem and impatience to be released from school I decided to stick all of my limbs into this crevice.
Then I thought to myself, "I vowed to photo documentate things more often so I should have this photo documentated." And so I made a request that parker should fetch my camera and take a picture of this limb in crevice fiasco.
I ended up having to retrieve the camera because parker would not stir but eventually the camera was in his hand and my limbs were once again in the crevice.
Now I have a camera that acts very jankified very often so it was taking a millennium to documentate the moment and as we awaited it to do it's thing Mrs. Pierson, our choir teacher was walking into the office. My immediate reaction was to remove my limbs from the crevice and lay flat on the floor as to avoid her noticing what oddities I was performing. The result was this picture.
One Sunday morning I was preparing for church for I was to fill in for some one on nursery duty. As I journeyed through the house I began to feel increasingly worse so I sat upon a bench in our dining room eventually. Then I woke up on the grown crying.
My calves hurt terribly but overall the act of fainting made me feel better.
So I didn't go to church, I watched the breakfast club and some other weird movie and then I summoned energy to study for exams.
I still don't know why I fainted but it hasn't happened since and I watched the breakfast club so oh well. Meaningless story of the day le fin.
SUCCESS! This confounded site finally let me create a new blog post!
I very much detest the act of "cool story bro"ing people. And when people add the little basket thing for you to add the "cool story" in, they win douche points.
I notice it tends to happen when the person telling the story is struggling to collect their thoughts. I am often that person and while I know it is something I should certainly work on, cool story broing me is not helpful to anyone.
We shouldn't uplift ourselves via making others feel lesser, we should uplift ourselves by, among other things, not cool story broing people. That is all
I very much detest the act of "cool story bro"ing people. And when people add the little basket thing for you to add the "cool story" in, they win douche points.
I notice it tends to happen when the person telling the story is struggling to collect their thoughts. I am often that person and while I know it is something I should certainly work on, cool story broing me is not helpful to anyone.
We shouldn't uplift ourselves via making others feel lesser, we should uplift ourselves by, among other things, not cool story broing people. That is all
Thursday, May 10, 2012
I ate a bite of banana today.
That sounds rather unimportant without this background information: I haven't had banana in years and years.
This is because I thought I detested bananas (I still detest banana flavoring) but I took that bite of banana and found that it wasn't disgusting. This morning for what ever reason I thought, "I should try banana." I had pushed the idea out of my mind until a few minutes ago (6:32 is the current time).
I was exercising, which is irrelevant information but I suppose I'll just tell this tale in a very descriptive way, here it goes:
I inhale the cool evening air as I return to mother earth from my 12th crunch. The familiar sound of our backdoor's screen opening permeates my eardrums. As I continue my crunches I observe my little sister enter the backyard with a banana, the fruit I thought I detested. Actually bananas are berries, and strawberries are not, that's beside the point. I recall my thought from the morning and ponder whether I should make amends with the taste of bananas I had, for so long, marked has villainous. "Save a bite for me!" I shout across the yard to the youngest daughter of my mother.
The time to taste banana was approaching fast for I was almost finished with my crunches, which I was happy about but the feeling of lingering banana doom tickled my mind. Would I throw up? Perhaps that fib I had told my friends about me being allergic to bananas really was true! "Nay!" My heart told my head. "I shall taste banana!"
It reached my taste buds. It was actually okay. Tomorrow I'm going to have a Peanut Butter Banana Bagel for breakfast.
So don't let yourself convince yourself you really really hate things when you don't really hate them.
That sounds rather unimportant without this background information: I haven't had banana in years and years.
This is because I thought I detested bananas (I still detest banana flavoring) but I took that bite of banana and found that it wasn't disgusting. This morning for what ever reason I thought, "I should try banana." I had pushed the idea out of my mind until a few minutes ago (6:32 is the current time).
I was exercising, which is irrelevant information but I suppose I'll just tell this tale in a very descriptive way, here it goes:
I inhale the cool evening air as I return to mother earth from my 12th crunch. The familiar sound of our backdoor's screen opening permeates my eardrums. As I continue my crunches I observe my little sister enter the backyard with a banana, the fruit I thought I detested. Actually bananas are berries, and strawberries are not, that's beside the point. I recall my thought from the morning and ponder whether I should make amends with the taste of bananas I had, for so long, marked has villainous. "Save a bite for me!" I shout across the yard to the youngest daughter of my mother.
The time to taste banana was approaching fast for I was almost finished with my crunches, which I was happy about but the feeling of lingering banana doom tickled my mind. Would I throw up? Perhaps that fib I had told my friends about me being allergic to bananas really was true! "Nay!" My heart told my head. "I shall taste banana!"
It reached my taste buds. It was actually okay. Tomorrow I'm going to have a Peanut Butter Banana Bagel for breakfast.
So don't let yourself convince yourself you really really hate things when you don't really hate them.
Update: I ate peanut butter and bananas on toast but it was too much banana and caused me to gag several times. I successfully finished the whole thing but decided to just remain i'm-not-going-to-ever-eat-you-friends with bananas
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
I really love those moments in life that are ultimate carefree joy. Such as today, after 6th hour my friends and I ran outside to a patch of grass and just played with a bubble wand while waiting for drama club to commence. We probably looked like tom fools to others but it was fun and we did not have a care in the world. I hope that everybody takes time to have these moments in their life.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
A more in depth look at my visit to New York
Day 1- Wednesday
Depart early in the morning from school, attempt to go back to sleep whilst on bus but fail miserably. Play a game of euchre with Jamie, Danny, and Caleb then later attempt to play a second game but fail because we all seem to be in the Twilight Zone. Color with Felicia. Stop for lunch in a turnpike and lay in the grass with Devon after eating until we are forced back onto the bus and out of the glorious weather. Meet and memorize Liz Bergsma's, sister to Bergie Berg, name. Teach Caleb some ukulele chords. Make up a uke song about happy trails and tummy rubbing. Have a glorious session of playing the uke and making up songs about the people who were sitting around me and then more uke playing and laying in the sun at a rest stop. Dinner at a place. Arrive at hotel to find a "fresh remote" awaiting us.
Day 2- Thursday (I mean, I hope you guys realize Thursday comes after Wednesday)
Awake at an early hour in the morning and eat the hotel's glorious breakfast. Go to Westminster Choir College in New Jersey to have a clinic with one of the college's directors. Arrive in New York City! Set free to get lunch on Broadway. Visit the Natural History museum. Walk to Central Park and sit upon rocks that Matt Smith of Doctor Who potentially sat upon while filming. Visit the 9/11 memorial. A tiny bit of shopping in China Town before dinner together in Little Italy. Too foggy for the Empire State Building so we visit a giant Macy's. Felicia, Parker, and I quest for the women's department. Not found until we go through four or five floors of men clothing. Go up and down many old escalators. We get lost and then I get separated from Felicia and Parker. Forced out of Macy's with a few others unto the wrong street because it was closing time. Make our way back to the bus in a terrified manner.
Day 3
Meet and greet with two Broadway actors who fill in for Spiderman actors. in the Actor's Temple. One of them was from Michigan and went to Holland Christian. Head to a church that withstood 9/11. Walk to another church and sing as a mass choir, vocalaires, and woswe. Return to China Town for shopping. Then head to a retirement home and sing. While waiting in lobby of fancy restaurant lean on lady stranger thinking she was someone on the trip, apologize and scurry away. Eat fancy dinner with a view of time square. Walk through time square and to Spiderman. Be enthralled by the special effects of Spiderman.
Day 4
Take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and then to Ellis Island. Lay in grass and sun on Ellis Island with friends. Take ferry to New York. Give money to elderly man with awesome beard who was playing a patriotic song on the flute. Dropped off for lunch and a bit of shopping, find and buy glorious Doctor Who poster. Shopping in time square and other areas with Stephanie and Taylor. Find Doctor Who mug and shirt at very last moment and frantically buy. Head to pizza place for dinner. Got to Metro Museum and explore places with Kim and Taylor. Have statue butt judging. Visit the Empire State Building. Stop at a rest area before driving home through the night. Get reprimanded for running bare foot int he grass with Jamie, we were just trying to do the bus a good deed and spare them from our stinky feet. Attempt sleep on the bus ride home. Forced to stand in aisle for a while at one point when all seats were taken. Find spot on the floor and ignore Caleb's complaints that I was in his foot area, offer the opportunity to just put his feet on me because I was really tired and had no other place to go. Succeed in a bit of sleep.
Day 1- Wednesday
Depart early in the morning from school, attempt to go back to sleep whilst on bus but fail miserably. Play a game of euchre with Jamie, Danny, and Caleb then later attempt to play a second game but fail because we all seem to be in the Twilight Zone. Color with Felicia. Stop for lunch in a turnpike and lay in the grass with Devon after eating until we are forced back onto the bus and out of the glorious weather. Meet and memorize Liz Bergsma's, sister to Bergie Berg, name. Teach Caleb some ukulele chords. Make up a uke song about happy trails and tummy rubbing. Have a glorious session of playing the uke and making up songs about the people who were sitting around me and then more uke playing and laying in the sun at a rest stop. Dinner at a place. Arrive at hotel to find a "fresh remote" awaiting us.
Day 2- Thursday (I mean, I hope you guys realize Thursday comes after Wednesday)

Day 3

Day 4
Take a ferry to the Statue of Liberty and then to Ellis Island. Lay in grass and sun on Ellis Island with friends. Take ferry to New York. Give money to elderly man with awesome beard who was playing a patriotic song on the flute. Dropped off for lunch and a bit of shopping, find and buy glorious Doctor Who poster. Shopping in time square and other areas with Stephanie and Taylor. Find Doctor Who mug and shirt at very last moment and frantically buy. Head to pizza place for dinner. Got to Metro Museum and explore places with Kim and Taylor. Have statue butt judging. Visit the Empire State Building. Stop at a rest area before driving home through the night. Get reprimanded for running bare foot int he grass with Jamie, we were just trying to do the bus a good deed and spare them from our stinky feet. Attempt sleep on the bus ride home. Forced to stand in aisle for a while at one point when all seats were taken. Find spot on the floor and ignore Caleb's complaints that I was in his foot area, offer the opportunity to just put his feet on me because I was really tired and had no other place to go. Succeed in a bit of sleep.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
I finished The Great Gatsby today, and maybe being tired had something to do with it, but it left me a bit enraged. After reading Nick's description of how Daisy and Tom can just shatter peoples' lives and not suffer any consequence thanks to their vast wealth, and the description of deaths not phasing people must have hit some of the major things that bother me in life.
Monday, April 30, 2012
I'm glad I don't need to name each individual blog post. That would be a challenge.
New York was utterly superb! So I guess I will relate things that come to mind.
New York was utterly superb! So I guess I will relate things that come to mind.
- I bought a Phantom of the Opera framed thing from a Jamaican vender who said, "Thank you baby," when I made the purchase. This made me very happy.
- I caught an elderly lady who tripped, was really scared because I assume older people are super fragile, but was pleased to find that she was okay.
- We sang for some senior citizens and had a little meet and greet afterwards. Old people have such whimsical handshakes.
- The hotel room came with a 'fresh remote'
- I made up songs with Redginald about people who were sitting around me on the bus ride there.
- Got lost in the Metro Museum
- Bonded with some new people
- Bought Doctor Who things
- Got lost in a giant Macy's
- Was offered drugs if I would come to a comedy show
- Sang in some superb singing places
- Watched Spiderman and appreciated his butt with countless others
Now here's a pigeon photoshoot
Saturday, April 21, 2012
One time I had a dream that I was sitting in my garage with a basket of apples. The garage door was closed but the side door was open and as I sat with my apples some very tall foxes who walked on their hind legs appeared in the door way.
Immediately I knew they were after my apples so I closed and locked the side door and then proceeded to run throughout my house to lock every door. The last door I locked was the one in the laundry room so I sat against the door after locking it.
Then the foxes had Queen Latifah come in after me because somehow she had the ability to get into my house. But it was okay because I talked her into joining my side and she sat on the floor of my laundry room with me.
Then I remembered the whole reasons the foxes were there was because of the apples so I returned to the garage to get them, only to find a rhesus monkey eating my apples.
Immediately I knew they were after my apples so I closed and locked the side door and then proceeded to run throughout my house to lock every door. The last door I locked was the one in the laundry room so I sat against the door after locking it.
Then the foxes had Queen Latifah come in after me because somehow she had the ability to get into my house. But it was okay because I talked her into joining my side and she sat on the floor of my laundry room with me.
Then I remembered the whole reasons the foxes were there was because of the apples so I returned to the garage to get them, only to find a rhesus monkey eating my apples.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
What defines me? What is/are my title(s)? Who do I try to prove myself to?
Because in the end it doesn't matter. John's section of the bible calls the other disciples by name but when he refers to himself he writes "and the one who Jesus loved".
Now at first I thought, wait, isn't John putting himself on a higher platter than the others? But he's not. He knows that one thing matters. He knows that titles and proving himself falter in the face of Jesus. He knows that what should define him is Jesus and that the only title worth fighting for is "the one who Jesus loved."
I went to a Toby Mac concert tonight and there was this really awesome back up vocalist named Nirva Ready, she had quite a stylin' do. And Toby preached a message that influenced the above paragraphs.
I'm really thankful for the wonderful, unique people in my life. Everyone brings new stories and personalities and it's wonderful.
Because in the end it doesn't matter. John's section of the bible calls the other disciples by name but when he refers to himself he writes "and the one who Jesus loved".
Now at first I thought, wait, isn't John putting himself on a higher platter than the others? But he's not. He knows that one thing matters. He knows that titles and proving himself falter in the face of Jesus. He knows that what should define him is Jesus and that the only title worth fighting for is "the one who Jesus loved."
I went to a Toby Mac concert tonight and there was this really awesome back up vocalist named Nirva Ready, she had quite a stylin' do. And Toby preached a message that influenced the above paragraphs.
I'm really thankful for the wonderful, unique people in my life. Everyone brings new stories and personalities and it's wonderful.
There are some broski cats.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
I want to start looking at things without judgement. Sometimes judgmental thoughts creep up on me and I just want to kick myself for allowing them to exist.
I'm reading The Great Gatsby and I have the strange presumption that I will thoroughly enjoy it despite the fact that I have only reached page 5 after two days of possessing the book. But I'll blame that on being busy, time management issues, and the temptation to read Les Miserables when ever I have time to read.
And I think having a presumption about The Great Gatsby is, in a way, judging. But for now I will focus on aiming my nonjudgement at humans.
I'm reading The Great Gatsby and I have the strange presumption that I will thoroughly enjoy it despite the fact that I have only reached page 5 after two days of possessing the book. But I'll blame that on being busy, time management issues, and the temptation to read Les Miserables when ever I have time to read.
And I think having a presumption about The Great Gatsby is, in a way, judging. But for now I will focus on aiming my nonjudgement at humans.
I'm skilled at convincing people simple oddities are true. Such as when I convinced people I was born in Canada. Or today when I convinced Sophi and Mackenzie that my dog is pregnant and that was why my head was on her belly.
I should not use this skill for evil.
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