Saturday, September 21, 2013

Animal of the Day: Anteater!

Off the top of my head: They stand on their hind legs when threatened. They have very long forepaw claws for digging so they walk on their knuckles.

Anteaters are of the sub order Vermilingua which means worm tongue. Anteaters are related to sloths. Giant Anteaters are almost 6 feet long. Anteaters are distantly related to armadillos.

Anteaters have no teeth. All except the giant anteater have prehensile tails.

Anteaters are solitary animals. When territory disputes break out, anteaters shout at each other, swat each other, sit on each other, and sometimes ride on each other's back.

Anteaters need to visit about 200 insect nests a day to get proper feeding.

Baby ant eaters ride on their mama's back.

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