Monday, September 9, 2013

Animal of the Day: Lemur Leaf Frog!

These froggies live in Central America in trees and low vegetation.

During the day lemur frogs are bright green, but at night they turn brown as a form of camouflage. These frogs only grow to be 3 to 4cm long.

They walk about low vegetation, walk not hop, at night for they are nocturnal. It's not known what these frogs eat but it is speculated that they eat small invertebrates.

Breeding takes place in the wet season and the males make clicking noises to attract the females. 15 to 30 eggs are then laid on a leaf overhanging water.

Currently a fungal disease is devastating amphibian populations across the world. It is thought that, as a defensive tactic against the hot sun and the deadly fungi, the frog's pigment reflects the sun. Reflecting the sun keeps the frog cool on the inside, and wards of the fungus which prefers cool temperatures.

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