Sunday, September 29, 2013


Today, as I biked home, across the bridge over the swamp, I found the biggest patch of wild grapes. I shoveled two handfuls into my mouth to harvest the juices out while I continued my journey.

I was glad that Josh taught me about wild grapes. I was glad that I had put just enough grapes in my mouth to satisfy without getting too much so that my mouth was hurt by the acid.

Josh taught me about the wild grapes when we went fishing and he took me to a place him and Connor used to go. I felt happy he was willing to take me to such an important place.

We also ate Chinese food that day and I taught Josh how to tie dye. My family was away at the farm. Josh spotted a large military truck for sale. He said the mileage was most positively terrible.  He also told me about when he was younger and he was in fiddler on the roof with his dad and times were harder and he would ride in the truck with his dad in the cold cold winter and he liked those times even though they were hard. But now that I think of it he might have told me that when we were on our way home from the red barn. Yup

If I could fix two things from when we went fishing but not catching and there were grapes (so I guess we caught grapes) I would fix that I was moody for some of the time and fix that I ordered chicken mushroom food from mr. you because that food was not so good.

Also it would have been eventful if those punky teens who tailed us for awhile actually got out of the car and came after us just to see what team would win.

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