West Ottawa choir has blessed me these past four yeasr in so many ways that a. I could never recount them all and b. one would grow tired of reading such a long email. But some of the highlights have been that I met Mrs. Pierson, my choir teacher who has also become a brilliant role model and a rock. She cares when I'm not doing well,yet pushes me to work hard to fix my own problems.
Through choir I have made fantastic friends. Choir kids are crazy, diverse, and less judgmental then your typical teen. I have had many laughs with them, often regarding Mrs. Pierson's obsession with horses. I have also been able to turn to them in tough times, the other day I was feeling anxious so I laid my face in my friend Annie's lap and cried a puddle on to her pants. But that is beside the point.
West Ottawa choir has immersed me in beautiful music. Music helps me express my feelings when I have no words or no understanding to explain them. I have laughed at the end of songs, and I have cried at the end of songs. Music is powerful and it helps me conquer anxiety and find joy.
I have reached my senior year and these our my last days with West Ottawa choir and I am striving to appreciate every single one. This past weekend I traveled to a music conference in Flint for the day with West Ottawa Select Women's Ensemble. Throughout the long day trip I felt so much joy as well as an awareness that I should soak up one of my last WO choir experiences. I gave Mrs. Pierson many hugs that day. The only reason I decided against graduating a semester early was the thought of missing out on choir.
One of the last opportunities I have to travel and sing and love my West Ottawa choirs is approaching. We will be taking a trip to Toronto, Canada in May. On this trip we will sing, go to a renaissance dinner, visit a science museum, WATCH LION KING AT THE PRINCESS OF WALES THEATRE, sight see, and I can expand upon our itinerary if anyone is interested. (I will also have many stories to share after the trip)
I would deeply appreciate financial support if you are willing or able to give it. The trip will cost about $650 (a great deal for such an opportunity). I hold a job and am working to save my own money, but I also must be conscientious in regards to saving for college. Currently, one way you can support me, is taking part in our century resources fundraiser. The link below leads to the website which has many products, especially delicious chocolate.
Thank you so much for reading what I have to say.
Sincerely, Abigail Fergus
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2. When prompted, enter the code 29797 and then my name, Abigail Fergus, and grade, 12
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