Thursday, October 17, 2013

Animal of the Day: Dugong!

One time in eighth grade my dad informed me that manatees are also called Dugongs.

Dugongs live in the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans.

They are in the family Sirenia, which gets its name from Siren, because sailors used to mistake blubbery sea cows for lovely fish ladies. Dugong comes from a a Malay word that means "lady of the sea."

Dugongs have a fluked tail, like a dolphin, but unlike manatees who have a curved tail uninterrupted by fluke.

Dugongs must stay near shores to obtain their delicious sea grass diet.

Dugongs are most closely related to elephants, hyraxes, and aardvarks. Quite an oddly delightful bunch!

The Dugong's two nipples lie beneath their flippers.

Dugongs have been found to live up to 73 years old.

Dugongs make a lot of echoing vocalizations to each other, a bit like whales.

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