Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Animal of the Day: Wildebeest!

Wildebeest is Dutch for wild beast. Wildebeest are also known as gnu.

Wildebeest are a type of antelope.

A fully grown wildebeest is nearly five feet at the shoulder and weights 600 pounds.

The wildebeest migrates every year based on where the water is. The migration is a dangerous and some of the herd ends up eaten by crocodiles, lions, leopards, and cheetahs.

Wildebeest are, however, powerful and can cause harm to the lions. They are also capable of running up to 50 mph.

The herd keeps the young, more vulnerable wildebeest on the inside of the herd while traveling. At night, the wildebeest have shifts as lookouts while the others sleep.

Wildebeest and zebras team up and graze together to cause each individual less risk of being hunted.

Wildebeest can understand the warning calls of other animals such as baboons.

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