Saturday, October 12, 2013

Animal of the Day: Cassowary

Cassowaries are flightless birds who dwell in New Guinea, Australia, and near by islands.

The southern cassowary is the third tallest, and second heaviest bird.

Cassowaries are related to other birds such as the kiwi bird, the elephant bird, emus, and ostriches.

As opposed to most birds, the female cassowary is bigger and colorful than the male.

Cassowaries have many small "wings" that are like porcupine quills without barbs. They have a claw on each second finger of the wings. Cassowaries have dagger like claws on the center toe of their three toed feet.

Cassowaries have crests on their heads that are spongy.

Cassowaries can run up to 30 mph and jump up to 5 feet. They are also skilled at swimming.

It is believed that cassowaries live 40 to 50 years.

Cassowary women do not tolerate each other, they ain't about that girlfriend having life.

Sometimes cassowaries defend fruit trees to have the fruit to themselves. They swallow fruits such as banans and apples whole.

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