Sunday, October 20, 2013

I don't think I eavesdrop

The other day a friend jokingly accused me of eavesdropping. I had been walking by while a group was wondering aloud about something or another and I knew the answer to their query so I turned and let them know what they had been wondering.

I do the same thing at work, I'll be going to put something in it's place, or desperately looking for something to clean so that time would maybe please just pass by quicker, when I here a customer wonder to another customer about something. I turn to them and answer a question they had not asked me.

My ears aren't tuned toward these people. I'm not trying to listen in on what you're saying! I'm not about that hot gossip life. I think I am just attuned to other people's emotions and thoughts and what not so well that I pick up on when people need help. And I love helping people so I struggle to refrain from helping, even when it's not asked.

So I don't think I eavesdrop. God has blessed me with a gift to understand other people (one of the reasons I want to be a youth pastor) and I don't suppress the gift when unnecessary.

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